Best Arrows In Oblivion

About This File

  • Reasons To Use The Console. The console in Oblivion isn’t merely a tool for players to openly cheat, by altering aspects of game-play via the use of commands, but it is primarily intended for ‘modders’ – and the developers of the game – to test areas, scripts and other important factors in the game.
  • With Shivering Isles Perfect Madness armor is the best heavy armor, Perfect Amber armor is the best light armor, and Perfect Madness weapons are the best weapons. 11 years ago Anthony01355.
  • Archery in Oblivion - posted in PC Gaming: Probably in Morrowind and Skyrim as well. I noticed that NPCs get much better range than you do. For the player, Archery just plains SUCKS with vanilla bows and arrows. Bethesda certainly does not know a thing about archery. I used to teach archery. The range and speed of the arrows looks like it was fired from a 2 pound Draw Weight toy!
  • Hi im quite an experienced oblivion player with at the very least 400 hours play time. In my current save im my usual assassin/thief type character and i use a bow & arrows alot.

Duke Patrick's Combat Archery Mod Skyrim Edition

Step 3: How to Level Your Combat Skills Faster in Oblivion: the Elder Scrolls IV You can choose out of 5 combat skills to train: blade, blunt, hand to hand, marksman, destruction (if you choose to train blade or blunt, I recommend you arm your character with a light weapon that swings faster so your skills will level equally fast.

OBSE 20 (or better)

Shivering Isle may be needed as I had to edit bows and arrows from that add on.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion Wiki

English version install of Oblivion if you use a crossbow mod.

Rev 7.3.5 ESP micro update to prevent tripping on dead but disabled corpses.

Rev 7.2.1 Fix issue with some NPC getting stuck with a +30 MarksMan bonus. Player and NPC get the crossbow bonus via ModAV2 now instead of a fortify ability.

Rev 7.2 Fix missing inventory icons. New Retextures for Heavy and Light crossbows. Small bug fix for spinning (out of control) arrows/blots.

Rev 7.1 Crossbow Bolts get a 20% boost to flight speed and 40% encumbrance reduction.

Optional KF File For Sneak Bow Attack so the crossbow will not get in the way of your line of sight.

REV 7 NEW Crossbows! Plus a new INI options to set magic miss shots and arrow miss shots separately. LOAD ALL FILES New INI and New Icons and New Mesh files!

If you use my Melee combat mod set the bow damage to 5 instead of 7 or set it to your own preference.

WARNING do not use any other 'actors miss their arrow/magic shots' mods with this mod!

This is an immersion mod based on my older POC project called Duke Patrick’s SCA Combat Archery Mod. This Combat Archery Mod is designed to bring a fun balance to realistically high damage bows to make fighting with a realistically lethal bow in the game less like using a Rifled Musket.

WARNING! READ ALL READ ME FILES IN THE ZIP OR YOU WILL BE CONFUSED BY WHAT THE MOD IS DOING IN YOUR GAME! Be sure to load the INI file in the same directory as the ESP file. What you are reading here is not the full read me file. If I think you did not read the read me or only 'skim it' it may take a very very long time before I answer your support questions.

SCA Combat Archery uses real armor, real bows and real cross bows with real arrows that have wide blunt tips so as to dramatically reduce their ability to kill while still keeping as much of the historical and physical factors as is safe to do so. This allows us to study history and medieval combat by physically recreating it.

You tube:

This Youtube move is a more or less fair representation of SCA combat archery. Except that in my local chapter we use 1000 pound draw that will leave a mark on you even in leather armor!

I only answer support questons here:

Help with the password:

Quick overview of what the mods does:

(Most are from my older SCA Combat Archery mod, but several are NEW and the old ones are revamped.)

- NPC may miss their magic and arrows shots if you move around or jump, but a high marksmen with good equipment NPC can still hit you easily if they themselves are not moving around and take aim for a few seconds.


-Bows can be player set to do various multiples of the vanilla damage (or of what ever damage is set to the bow in the game by other mods).

-Arrow damage and speed will be calculated based on the materials and craftsmanship used to make the arrow. A bonus is given to magic arrows. This arrow damage feature is optional.

-Duke Patrick’s 'Don’t Shoot Me Bro' system helps to prevent NPC from shooting their friends in the back!

-The bow jerks off target after the shot is fired. You will need to re-aim after each shot. However this feature is optional.

-Breathing bow sway if you are in zoom sniper mode, but you can also hold your breath!

-Moving around will make you miss (shoot off the cross hair) a lot. Running or jumping is worst than walking. This is reduced by holding still for a few moments. There is an optional Bobbing bow sway effect that visually tells you when momentum is no longer effecting your shot after moving or jumping.

-Moving backward has RISK! This is NOT a random event. My mod detects tripping hazards! You may trip over the dead, change in elevations like stairs or large world objects that interfere with your movement such as a chairs!

Best arrows in oblivion armorBest arrows in oblivion

-The PC strength is now as important as their skill in detraining the damage that a weapon can inflict. Weapon selection strategy will be important by using the right kind of bow for the PC Marksmanship agility and strength!

-Stronger bows will take much longer to draw the arrow then weaker bows depending on your strength. If you try to use a Bow that is stronger than you are it will take a great deal of time to draw the bow.

-Bows eat fatigue no mater what skill level you are. The stronger ones eat more than the weaker ones. So if your bow is stronger than you are your may become exhausted very quickly TRYING to draw the bow!

-If you fire the bow without drawing it all the way your arrow will be drastically reduced in speed AND DAMAGE.

Oblivion ps3 wiki

-Slow arrows will bounce off of the armor your target is wearing.

-Arrows that hit Critical locations such as the Head, Solar Plexus or Crotch will cause pain and may multiply damage done by the arrow. Plus an optional feature where the player character will say things like 'That had to hurt!' when they land a critical hit on their opponent.

-Weaker bows fire faster and use less fatigue, so if you are a good marksman that can hit the Critical locations more often you may find using a weaker bow is a much better strategy!

-Shield men will now be the archer's worst night mare! NPC will Shield Charge and sprint at you to knock you and your bow to the ground. (Kill them before they get too close!) You can do the same to Archer NPC.

-Bows are not mêlée weapons! You will not be able to draw your bow if you are being crowded by your opponent (they are too close to you). If the NPC hits you as you are drawing the bow it will be knocked off target. You can do the same to Archer NPC.

Best Arrows In Oblivion Ps4

-Better NPC AI! Your target will side step or block the arrow if they see you fire at them and have the agility, speed and skill to do so.

-Npc will run up inclines to get you now. (no more perching on top of a pile of rocks!)

-Aim your bow straight down to the ground to denock it!

-Arrows that are stuck in the NPC have a chance of being dislodged and dropped to the ground in combat.

-Quiver Capacity limit for both the actors and the player. Everyone now has a limited number of “conveniently assessable†arrows. Extra arrows must be keep in a protective arrow case or you risk breaking them if you are staggered or fall down. This will hamper but not “cold stop†the player and the actors from getting more arrows in combat. YOU NEED TO READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU USE THIS FEATURE!

You should also use 'Duke Patrick's Actor Can Miss Now' mod with this mod.

Now merged in this mod as of rev 5

For the most advanced SCA combat with sword and shield:

What's New in Version Rev 7.3.5


  • Rev 7.3.5 ESP micro update to prevent tripping on dead but disabled corpses.
  • Rev 7.3.3 ESP micro update for small things like messages.
  • Rev 7.3 Changed crossbow bonus from ModAV2 to ModAVMod. This is a very important technical change. Thanks to migck for suggesting this.
  • Rev 7.2.1 Fix issue with some NPC getting stuck with a +30 MarksMan bonus. Player and NPC get the crossbow bonus via ModAV2 now instead of a fortify ability.
  • Rev 7.2 Fix missing inventory icons. New Retextures for Heavy and Light crossbows. Small bug fix for spinning (out of control) arrows/blots.
  • Rev 7.1 Crossbow Bolts get a 20% boost to flight speed and 40% encumbrance reduction.
  • 7 NEW Crossbows! Plus a new INI options to set magic miss shots and arrow miss shots separately.
  • Rev 5.5.5 Change to the vocalization script, this is a test to see if this will fix the issue with female not being detected correctly.<br /><br /><br />Rev 5.5.4 New INI option to choose what gender your character is for the vocalization of critical hits.<br /><br />Rev 5.5.3 Silver Arrows now do poison like damage to vampires and undead. Set the rate and damage in the INI. Clean install not needed for this rev.<br /><br /><br />Rev 5.5.2 Serious bug fix. Arrow critical hits will not work without this fix. ESP file only.<br /><br />Rev 5.5.1 Replaced a few get sound playing commands with much more reliable OBSE event commands. Fixed a bug that might make your bow AIM jump all over the place under some rare condition's in the hold breath script.<br /><br /><br />REV 5.5 Replaced all Player. with PlayerRef. as is advised by the better modder thes days. Also now using new OBSE hit detection for the 'bow gets knocked aside if you are attacked feature.'<br /><br />Rev 5.1.3 change to prevent gold price changes saved in the savegame. Boundingbox zero error fix for actors that are not yet in the player cell.<br /><br />Rev 5.1.2 Minor tweak to work a little better with my Melee Combat Mod.<br /><br />5.1.1 Broken arrows are now worth 1 gold, I wish I could make them worth only .2 gold but the game will not let me. Also a small change to one script to help reduce consol spam. Thanks to scruggsywuggsy the ferret for help on this.<br /><br />Rev 5 Now critical shots at the legs will work on all actors including creatures. Actors Can Miss Now is merged into this mod from now on. Other small bug fixes.<br /><br />Rev 4.3.2 Fixed headshot calc so that helms are only as good as your Max Armor game setting.<br /><br />NEW: mixed arrow types allowed in Inventory! Now you may have various types of unequipped arrows in your inventory as long as the equipped and unequipped total are still less or equal to your quiver limit.
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