The Inseminator Game Cheats

Here's inseminator a good adult flash online game that you can play, enjoy the sound, graphics and gameplay! The inseminator cheats. Litographs Ten Short Stories Book Scarf: pin. Mod The Sims - My Pets Act Like Sims it's in all my hoods, and I meant to say that I did remove all cc, I removed my downloads folder from my documents, but they are still here's: pin. Mortimer Goth - The Inseminator.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
What is CelebrityGamerZ?
Cheat mode

Enter the Hacking engine in the game. Enter 'CHEAT.EXE' and the cheat menu will be unlocked. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding effect:

    Infinite health

    Enter '7F4DF451' as a code.

    Infinite focus

    Enter '69E5D9E4' as a code.

    Maximum firepower

    Enter '0034AFFF' as a code.

    Infinite ammunition

    Enter '1DDF2556' as a code.

    Fast focus restore

    Enter 'FFF0020A' as a code.

    Bonus test level

    Enter '13D2C77F' as a code.

    Sparks' Construct in training mode

    Enter '13D2C77F' or '1302C77F' as a code.

    Enemies cannot hear you

    Enter '4516DF45' as a code.

    Enemies cannot see you

    Enter 'FFFFFFF1' as a code.

    Taxi Driving

    Enter '312MF451' as a code.

    Multi-player fighting

    Enter 'D5C55D1E' as a code.

    Faster logos

    Enter '7867F443' as a code.

Hacking engine tools

In Hacking engine (which is accessed from the title screen), there are a number of directories and tools that can be useful (such as spawning a weapon within The Matrix.):

CLSA:SYSTEMClear the screen of text
DIR [location]A:SYSTEMList files and folders
ECHO [text]A:SYSTEMDisplay indicated text
EXITA:SYSTEMExit Hacking engine
HELP [command]A:SYSTEMExtended help for a command
LOGINA:SYSTEMChange drives
READA:SYSTEMRead *.txt files
REBOOTA:SYSTEMReboot system, remove unlocked commands
CHEAT [code]A:TOOLSCheat code entry command
VIBRATION [1-100]A:TOOLSTest vibration feature
BEEP [1-8]A:TOOLSTest beeps
DECODE [code]B:TOOLSDecode hint
DROP JXTRR10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Drainage Canal
DROP PNSRZ10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at North Concourse
DROP RKHMS10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Airport Tunneld
DROP JDZMT10 B:TOOLSWeapon drop at 2nd Floor West (Chateau)
DROP ZKHBD10 B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Courtyard (Chateau)
DROP RHFTQ10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Skyscraper
DROP ZSZQH10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Warehouse (Chinatown)
DROP JDHQL10B:TOOLSWeapon drop at Transformer Field (power plant)
DROP B1AXXF2B:TOOLSWeapon drop at 2nd Floor PO Boxes
PLAYB:TOOLSPlay *.fmv files
VIEWB:TOOLSView *.img files
VIRTUALB:TOOLSAccess virtual drive
Morpheus message

In the Hacking engine, instead of using 'GUEST', you can LOGIN as 'FREEMIND' or 'COWBOYCURTIS' to hear a message from Morpheus.

Wireless message

Enter the following commands:

    DIR V:
    DIR RAM:
    Passcode 8ram
    3 digit code 942
    Passcode FROZENFISH

To unlock the swordfight, follow these steps. Open the Hacking program from the main menu. Open a file that has the game completed. Note: You must have completed the game first in order for this cheat to work; and the game file you select at the Hacking menu must have the game completed. Type 'LOGIN' and press Enter. Type 'GUEST' and press Enter. Type 'DIR', then a space. DIR should now appear in your command list. Access the B Drive through the DIR command. Select TOOLS from the B Drive. It will be locked and will ask you for an access code. The access code consists of 1s and 0s. You must guess the access code, as it is different each time. It is only five digits long. Once you have access to the TOOLS on the B Drive, type all the .EXE files (without the .EXE after them). For example, type 'DECODE' then a space. DECODE will now appear in the command list. Repeat this for all other .EXE files in the TOOLS folder in the B Drive. Now, access VIRTUAL on your command list. Type in 'FROZENFISH' as the password. An authentication test will start. An image of a Chinese symbol will appear, but it will be scrambled. The image is broken into 9 squares, and each square will have five different choices. You must change all the pieces so that a complete image appears. You have a limited amount of time to do this. Note: Click here to view both the red and blue Chinese character puzzle solutions. Once you guess a correct image, the timer will stop and you will be taken back to the hacking screen. Look at the top of the screen. If it says 'Solution: Blue', then the line will be traced and you will have to enter 'TRACEKILL' and then press enter as fast as possible or all progress will be lost. Once you enter TRACEKILL, you will have to start back at accessing VIRTUAL on your command list. However, if it says 'Solution: Red', then you will hear a message from Neo and get access to the V Drive. Open the V Drive and get all the commands from the TOOLS folder on your command list. Open the ROOTSEARCH program. Now, open the ROOT folder in the B Drive and get the two commands there on your command list. Enter the MAIL command and type 'THISISNOTREAL' as the password and type 'YES'. You will get a list of phone numbers:


Select the DIAL command and dial 001-949-555-0101. You should get a message from Persephone. Next dial 001-310-555-0111. You will get you a message from Trinity. She will give you a number. Select PORTKEY and enter the number. She will start to talk to you. Type 'NO' to both questions and she will give you a program called CRACK on your command list. Open it, then type '8RAM'. It should look like this: 'CRACK 8RAM'. You now have access to the RAM drive. Go to DIR on your command list and access the RAM drive. A list of folder names will appear. Open the TRINITY folder. Get the Training command on your DIR by typing 'TRAINING' then a space. Go to your command list and select TRAINING. On you command list, a file called SWORD.DSK will come up. Select it. It has now uploaded the sword onto you character in the Matrix. Quit the hacking program and select 'Save Progress'. You can use the sword when you start that game file. It can be used in any stage, but will only appear when fighting enemies by pressing Punch + Kick. If you press Action when approaching an enemy (as if you were going to disarm them). Instead of doing your disarm move, you will take out the sword and slice them up, killing them instantly. Note: You also have to enter it again when you turn off the game. Go to the Hacking program, select that file again, select TRAINING, then SWORD.DSK.

Additional options

Go into the Hacking option and type 'DIR'. This will bring up a list (System.exe, Tools.exe, etc.). Under system, login as 'GUEST'. This will bring up the B directory. Go to tools under B's directory and it will ask for a five digit binary code. Note: This code is random each time. Enter the correct code to access more options such as 'DECODE.EXE', 'PLAY.EXE', and 'VIEW.EXE'.

Note: The list of possible binary codes includes:
Hack into The Matrix

Once you have saved, you can select the Hacking option and begin to work on hacking into The Matrix itself. As the Matrix is quite simply a simulation, its rules are no different to a computer systems. This allows you to not only access all stored files, but you can change the physical laws of the system (as mentioned in the 'cheat' descriptions) Laws like gravity can be bent, for a greater time/effect than the limited focusing alone. To take advantage of the Hack System's abilities, you will need to know exactly what to enter following the command prompt (default A Drive standard (A:)): Enter 'DIR' to display directory choices. You can simply type [name of executable].EXE then press Enter. The executable will be opened. It is not the same with .TXT files, as you must type 'READ' first before the text file selection is revealed in Command List. Simply type 'DIR' then a space followed by B: for the contents of the B Drive to be revealed for selection, rather than typing individual filenames. After experiencing the rabbit hole for yourself, the 'CHEAT.EXE' is invaluable for those with free minds looking to further enhance skills, and bend the rules of The Matrix. After opening the executable, you will be required to enter specific codes, which will directly alter rules of The Matrix, making it easier for you to utilize your ability to focus the mind, and other aspects. Use it wisely.

For an easy way to unlock cheat mode, at title screen select 'Hack'. Press any key when instructed. Once the system has loaded, type 'DIR'. You will eventually see various choices. One of these choices will be 'TOOLS'. Instead of typing it in, go all the way to the left where your options are 'HELP and DIR'. Click 'DIR', then you will see the same choices on the screen above. Click on 'TOOLS'. From there you will see more choices 'CHEAT.EXE' and so on. Click 'CHEAT.EXE' and enter in any the codes.

Multi-player mode

To access multi-player mode, follow the steps used to get the sword. However, instead go to the SPARKS folder and have a chat with him. Activate 'HANDSHAKE.EXE'. When he asks what program you sent him, say 'HANDSHAKE'. Then, wait until he is done talking. He will then upload Multi-player to you. Access it by going to 'Load' and choosing the level just before the first one.

Multi-player mode character selections

When entering multi-player mode, you do not get to choose which character(s) you would like to fight as. Instead, the Matrix selects two pre-set opponents depending on which scenario/background you choose. Note: Much like Morpheus vs. Neo in The Matrix, multi-player mode is essentially a training ground to hone your standard skills. Focus is unavailable for use in the Multi-player program. There is no background music to accompany these battles. Below is the list of backgrounds/environments that are used in the single player game itself, and the characters the CPU will select upon choosing a certain background:

    The Pit - Player 1: Seraph, Player 2: Ballard
    The Ballroom - Player 1: Niobe, Player 2: Ghost
    The Bedroom - Player 1: Cujo, Player 2: Vlad
    The Atrium - Player 1: Sewing Woman, Player 2: Janitor
    The Alley - Player 1: Firebird Man, Player 2: Police Car Man

There are also two other levels which are famous areas from The Matrix film, which can only be found in multi-player mode:

    The Dojo - Player 1: Niobe, Player 2: Trinity
    The Subway - Player 1: Morpheus, Player 2: Agent Smith
Finding cheat codes

Every highway sign you see in The Matrix: Reloaded is a cheat for the game, Enter The Matrix.

Cheat warning

When using various cheats, including 'Infinite Health', 'Infinite Focus', 'Infinite Ammunition', and 'Maximum Firepower', the game places a grenade or bomb immediately where you begin the level (only on some levels). It does not kill you, but will knock you for a loop. For example, on the 'Agent On Board' level, you start out besides Axel. If one of those cheats are enabled, the bomb will blow up Axel and you will die, ending the game. You must play this level without cheats in order to complete it. The way to get away from the bomb is run before it explodes.

Alternate ending sequence

As Ghost, when you have to fight the man to see the oracle, you are supposed to lose. After you complete the game, go back and load that level. You can defeat him to get an alternate game ending.

Ending sequence

Successfully complete the game on any difficulty setting. The ending sequence includes what appears to be a trailer for The Matrix: Revolution, the sequel to The Matrix: Reloaded.

Spark's Training Construct

You start in a hallway full of doors. The doors never end. To find Spark's Training Construct go to the second red door you see on your right. Walk until you past the first red door, then you will see another red door Enter it. The other doors do not open. Once inside the 'shooting range,' you can participate in a test of skills. Press the red button and get ready. You will start out behind one of the tables and are told that you are caged in and have to fight. SWAT agents will start running from the back of the room in your area. If they get up to the 10 ft. mark, youwill lose. Turn around, grab all the guns you can, and take them out. If you get more than twenty, it unlocks the other red door in the hallway. This is where you can engage in hand to hand combat with a never-ending supply of SWAT. This a very good opportunity to harness your fighting skills and find new moves.

Chat with Spark

If you activated the 'TRINITY' folder, type 'HANDSHAKE.EXE' and press Enter. You will see a message from Spark. Type anything and press Enter. He will say that you sent him a file to download with a trojan virus. He will then say that he was playing. He will tell you something about you having access to his computer. Access the 'DIR: folder and go to 'LOGOS:'. Go to your command list and select 'EMP: in what he gave you. He will say that he was just kidding and will give you a gift in the loading screen. When he is done, you will hear a message from Neo. He will then say goodbye and shutdown the computer for you.

Perfect accuracy

Get a gun (preferably a machine gun) and switch to first person view. Shoot and you will see that the bullets appear in a perfectly straight line, no matter what the weapon. This is extremely useful and works with any gun.

Dodging bullets

When you are in a close area, Focus and do a wall run. Then, press Jump and move your character to the other wall. Next, do another wall run then press Jump. You should still be in Matrix mode. If done correctly, you will be able to dodge a lot of bullets.

Longer wall flips

When doing a wall flip in Matrix mode, press Jump to do a longer flip. Note: You will not be able to fire your weapons while doing this. Be careful, and try not to use it around a lot of enemies.

Running on walls

Press Focus while you are close to a wall. If done correctly, this should make your character run against the wall, then eventually do a cartwheel off it.


Approach a Powerade vending machine and press Action near the buttons on the machine. A Powerade will pop out.

Game trailer

Allow the game to idle at the main menu. It will eventually play the preview trailer that was used to promote the game through the website.


You may have trouble grabbing the flashlightm which is actually a MP5 icon. To get it, take out your MP5 and waste its ammunition so that the gun is no longer in the inventory. The same goes for MP5 pistols. Once this is done, you can pick up the flashlight/MP5. Equip it to turn on the flashlight.

Take out helicopter in Airport level

During your battle with the helicopter as Ghost, use the following strategy. Focus Run across the room to where the wall starts to curve. Back up against the wall facing the away from the large glass window. Hold Auto Aim and when the SWAT starts to jump down through the window, use your Focus and dispatch them with the least amount of ammunition possible. Go back to where you were against the wall earlier and wait for the helicopter to pass over. When it does, it will shoot the wall. If you are in the correct location, it will not hit you. After you hear the bullets stop, run around the wall and the helicopter will be exposed without any protection. Use your Focus and dump at least a clip into it. Then, return to the wall and repeat the process. It only takes three to four times to take down the helicopter.

When playing as Ghost, and after you have just shot off the plane's tire, you will encounter the agent chopper. Change your weapon from the M95 Sniper Rifle to the SG - 552. Immediately stand almost as far back as you can go from your current position, so that you are not too close to where the chopper will appear. The moment you see it, use Focus and fire at the same time. The chopper should take major damage, but will leave your health at a minimum of about 20% before backing off. It will then try to attack you from the right; turn about 90 degrees to your right and get ready to blast it with the remaining ammunition. Make sure you that you do not stay too far back, because your shots may have less chance of hitting. You may get killed here if your reflexes are not fast enough. Also, if you defeat the chopper you may be left with just 1% health, but this is enough to get you out of there, let you save your game, and continue the war to save Zion.

Engage in early duel with an agent in Answer The Phone level

Playing as Ghost on the city rooftops, after evading the many gaps and climbing the ladders, the agent that burst through the door drops down to destroy you. If you choose to hide behind the left wall and attempt to fire off rounds from around the corner at this agent, he will unsurprisingly dodge every bullet. If you Focus, you should be able to jump over the gap between you and the agent, and will be able to engage in hand-to-hand combat. However, at this point it is extremely hard to win; so continue to jump across to your left. Fall down into the lower area. Now instead of taking the cop out and running up the stairs, dispatch the cop(s), but wait around long enough to see the agent. If he fires at you, then Focus and bullet dodge to get close to him. You now have enough space to fully challenge this agent without being closed in. Battling an agent is more intense (and difficult) than taking on any groups of police or SWATs, because they can avoid all bullets, have shattering strength, and cannot be fully destroyed (except of course by Neo). You will have to Focus almost all of the time in order to knock him down, and inevitably you will soon find yourself on the brink of death. Run up the stairs and to the phone if low on health. Note: Although you cannot fully destroy the agent, you can temporarily defeat one until it moves into another body. This would seem impossible, but there is a way. Going back to the point where you climb up the ladder and the agent first drops down, instead of waiting for the agent to land, climb up the ladder. Before you even see the agent, start running and use your Focus to jump to the platform where the agent lands. Still holding Focus, move behind his position where he lands. Begin to kick him, and as he is off guard, he is very unlikely to counter. If you kick him enough, you should be able to knock him off the edge of the 'platform' and down the gap, causing the agent to plummet to his death. Thus, you have temporarily defeated an agent. Note: If you should ever face Agent Smith, you would be wise not to underestimate him, he is the most skilled agent.

Defeating Sephere

Let him strike first, and stay defensive. After this, lay it on him then back off and repeat.

Defeat SWAT members

Take out any gun, go into Focus mode, then run and jump while shooting. When in Focus, your aim improves and the run and jump will help you dodge bullets.

Defeating Agent Smith

It is possible to take down Agent Smith without a wall kick, even if temporarily. First, scoot back so he does not throw you, then equip any gun and fire. At the same time, go into Focus and while he is dodging the bullets you just fired, run in then punch or kick him until he goes down. Kicks are recommended because they are more powerful. Then, get out of there while still using Focus. When you are out of harms way, let off the Focus. Note: Doing this in cramped spaces such as hallways is not recommended unless absolutely necessary.

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Opening screen of the game
You meet Cream
Babysitting Cream is a flash game by artist/producer Aval0nX and programmer Avian (Feathered Adventures).[1] The player takes the role of Sonic the Hedgehog, whose across-the-street neighbor, Vanilla the Rabbit, has a huge favor to ask: she needs to go away for a week and can't take Cream with her. Amy is busy this week. Would Sonic babysit Cream? She gives him the keys to the house, and money for expenses, promising both Sonic and Cream 'BIG' rewards when she returns.
  • 3Strategy
  • 6External links
    • 6.2Other

As of February 5, 2013, the latest version is Babysitting Cream v1.01. The game, originally created in Flash, would be remade as a standalone program with GameMaker to resolve maintainability issues.[2][3][4]

Development continues as of January 30, 2019.[5] It is now being developed with the Ren'Py visual novel engine.[6]


On march 2020, Protofan published a Ren'Py conversion of the Flash game, made by decompiling the last official flash version from Aval0nX, and updating the images using artificial intelligence upscalers, fixing some bugs and reinstating some broken scenes. That version got to completion (100% conversion from the Flash version) on september 2020, where development stopped. [7]

On september 2020, F95Zone user FuzzyBunny23, got the source code from Dark Coven's Ren'Py conversion and started updating it to fix more bugs, enhance the playability, add new scenes, and trying to complete unfinished routes. As of this writting, beta 0.2.1 version is published, and FuzzyBunny23 estimates that completing this project can take anything from 6 to 12 months.[8]


The object of the game is to seduce Cream the Rabbit into as many sex acts as possible. The player's score is based on the number of times they manage each of the following:

  • Shower with Cream
  • Sleep with Cream
  • Grope Cream
  • Receive a blow job from Cream
  • Jerk off onto Cream
  • Have sex with Cream
  • Use the carrot toy on Cream
  • Make Cream cum
  • Share Cream with others (Knux)
  • Score with other girls (Amy, Sally, Blaze, Marine)

Play style[edit]

Most of the time, the window displays a room, with an icon of Cream in the upper right corner. Options at the bottom of the window allow the player to move from one room to another. If the player clicks on Cream, she will appear, and a menu of choices will be shown at the right. The player can then choose an action. Usually, one of the options is 'Never mind,' which returns to the room display. Sometimes, choosing an action will lead to other actions or choices. For example, the choice to watch cartoons will lead to an opportunity to watch a movie. Cream will fall asleep, and new choices will appear: pull up her dress to peek at her panties or continue watching the movie. Each of these leads to other choices, with different consequences.

The actions available -- and the results -- depend on a set of statistics, which represent the player's progress toward the game's goals:

  • Relationship with Cream (RWC): How much Cream trusts the player. This starts at zero, and the very first choice in a new game can change it. Most activities will raise this, but if the player frightens Cream or is mean to her, it can go down.
  • Moral Alignment: A numerical evaluation of the player's actions: 'naughty or nice'. Starts at zero. Goes down if the player does something to Cream without her consent. Goes up if the player lets Cream out of uncomfortable obligations or refuses to let her do something dangerous (e.g., 'you don't have to take off your panties' if she loses the racing game).
    Living Room
  • Peeping: How well the player can spy on Cream. Goes up if he catches her in her panties, or if the player does something naughty, and doesn't get caught.
  • Lust: How much lust the player feels toward Cream. The more lust, the easier it is to initiate sexual things with her.
  • Jerking Off: How many times you have jerked off on Cream
  • Exposure (EXP): How comfortable Cream is with seeing the player naked. Goes up if the player exposes himself in front of her without angering or upsetting her (e.g., if she asks to see him in the pool).
  • Touch: Goes up when the player touches or tickles Cream. Will unlock different events when it gets high enough.
  • Happiness: How happy Cream is. A high happiness gets a good ending, and can also unlock other parts of the game.
In addition, there are three statistics that vary from time to time during the game: File:Creamkitchen.png'>
Kitchen, with action choices
  • Hunger: How well-fed Cream is. Zero or negative hunger is an opportunity to feed her and raise RWC. Pizza is especially good for this and also makes her happy.
  • Energy: This sort-of substitutes for time within the game. The first day starts with 100 points, and various actions will use up energy. Getting a night's sleep raises it by 100 points (but not above 100). Other actions that can raise it (even above 100) include: taking a shower, getting an energy drink from the fridge, buying pizza, or buying something from the vendor at the fountain. It's possible to go to bed with negative points, but then the next day will start with slightly under 100.
  • Rings: How much money you have to spend. You start with 500 rings, and can get more by various actions. Some actions cost Rings, e.g., going to the movies, buying a new dress for Cream, ordering pizza.

The current energy is displayed in the upper left corner of the window at (almost) all times. The other statistics are shown in a black book, 'Sonic's Journal' in the upper left corner of the Living Room. The 'score' in terms of sexual acts can be accessed through the journal. The purple arrow in the image at the right points to Sonic's Journal.

The game allows seven days to reach the goal of doing sexual things with Cream. Vanilla will return on the morning of the eighth day, and the ending will be played. The current ending is incomplete, but it has a few drawings as teasers of the eventual, complete ending.


It is most important to try lots of different things. Some actions that don't get good results early in the game will get a better result once statistics have been raised high enough. For example, if the player visits Cream in her room and asks her to take off her dress, she will refuse at first. But once she's taken off her dress once, she will do it again. New options appear when she is in her panties, and yet others once she is naked.

Most activities can be done multiple times in a day, but in some cases you will only get 'credit' (increased statistics) the first time you do them. So plan ahead: figure out what you want to get and do the things that will lead to that. Older versions allowed each activity to be done only once per day, so the strategy has shifted significantly. File:CreamBabysittingSonicsJournal.png'>
Sonic's Journal


  • Cream should be fed whenever possible -- this raises RWC and (for Pizza) Happiness. Also, if she gets hungry while watching a movie, the options at the end will be lost.
  • Never miss out an opportunity to touch or tickle Cream. Raising the Touch statistic enables new options. But be careful of boundaries -- overdo it and alignment will sink.
  • It is possible to get sexual with a positive alignment or a negative one, but the paths taken are different. If alignment get too low (around -7), some activities will be refused or have no effect.
  • Check Sonic's Journal (in the Living Room) often to see what effect your actions have had. Not all actions announce what they did -- some things do nothing except raise RWC.

Building statistics[edit]

In the first few days, most of the useful actions occur in the Living Room, the Backyard, at the Mall and in the Park (plus, of course, the Kitchen whenever Cream is hungry). The player can choose to watch cartoons and then a movie (and get a chance to raise Exposure, Lust, Jerk Off, and/or Peep). Playing a videogame can lead to tickles (and raise Touch). Go swimming and play Marco Polo or 'Who can make the biggest splash' -- each of these gives the player an opportunity to raise their statistics. During this part of the game, it makes sense to be profligate with energy. Once the limited set of actions that will raise statistics for the day have been completed, the rest of the energy can be used doing random things that will raise RWC -- playing dolls with Cream, or trying all the different things at the mall, etc.

Toward the middle of the week, once statistics are high enough, the player gets new opportunities. For example, they may see Cream peeking in at them when showering. This gives the player a chance to Jerk Off while she's watching, or to invite her to shower with you. When playing a game, sometimes it's best to lose, and sometimes to win. During this phase, the player needs to be somewhat thrifty with their energy until they've gotten as much as they can, then use it up as during the first few days.

Cashing in[edit]

Once Touch is high enough, the player can get Cream to take off her dress. At even higher levels, she will take off her panties. The higher it goes, the more actions will be successful. But not everything works -- the game is still incomplete. Once reaching this point, it's useful to summon Cream to her own room, or to Vanilla's room, where the player can get her naked and (maybe) 'do things' to her.

During this phase, you need to hoard your energy carefully. There are only so many things that you can do (or try to do) before you run out of energy for the day. Play the game through a few times to see what works, then get those things done first. Once you've accomplished as much as you can with the day, then go ahead and spend energy to raise RWC and other statistics further.


The game is incomplete, so there are some actions/options that don't do anything. For example, when doing the 'Lets see who can make the biggest splash' activity in the pool, Cream's top will come off, but if you choose to give it back to her directly, it won't let you do anything further on. Also, you can get the keys to the Vanilla's Camaro in the garage, but you can never do anything with the car.

There are also some actions that change your statistics in some way, but give no description, nor any indication of what happened, aside from a decrease in your energy. This can be particularly annoying toward the end of the week, when you have built your statistics up enough that some of the sex options 'should' work. In a few cases, clicking an option gives no error, no indication that you have succeeded, and if you go back and examine Sonic's Journal, you will find that you didn't get credit for that sex act. The issue is compounded by the fact that the statistics are not constantly visible, as they are in some games.


  1. Ah! after 10,000 years I'm freeeee - Aval0nX, deviantART (November 7, 2013)
  2. An update on things to come - Avian, Inkbunny (March 22, 2014)
  3. Babysitting Cream and Game Maker Studio - Avian, Inkbunny (February 5, 2013)
  4. When are you going to release babysitting cream's .fla? - Aval0nX, Tumblr (June 2014)
  5. Figures I should kinda make a Journal... - Aval0nX, Inkbunny (January 30, 2019)
  6. Babysitting Cream 202X Release - Sprites Preview round 1] - Aval0nX, Inkbunny (01 May, 2019)
  7. [1] - F95Zone forum thread for Protofan's Ren'Py unofficial conversion
  8. [2] - F95Zone forum thread for FuzzyBunny23's enhanced version of Protofan's port

External links[edit]

Official latest version[edit]

  • Babysitting Cream v1.01 (released February 5th, 2013) at Inkbunny
  • Babysitting Cream v.98.86 (released April 8th, 2012) at Inkbunny
  • Babysitting Cream v91.3 Beta (released February 6th, 2011) at Inkbunny


  • v0.91 on SWFchan


  • v05 (also on FilesTube)

Hacked Versions[edit]

The Inseminator Game Cheats Gta V

  • Hack of v98.86 on
  • Hack of v093 (also on [3])

The Inseminator Game Cheats Walkthroughs

Unknown versions[edit]

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