Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon

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  5. Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon Movie

If you've already made it through most of your Pokémon Ultra Sun or Pokémon Ultra Moon adventure, you maydiscover you have quite a bit of cash on hand. Perhaps you were good abouthealing your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center instead of blowing through MaxPotions, or you always stocked up on items after using a Roto Bargain RotomPower. It'd especially be true if you've completed the Team Rainbow Rocketepisode after becoming Champion, where one reward is a massive haul of BigNuggets.

Choose “QR Scanner” in the bottom screen menu Line your DS up with the code above while the R button is held down When the scan is confirmed, visit the deliveryman in the antique shop, Antiquities of the Ages (located in Hau’oli City on Melemele Island) to receive Magearna. Don’t forget to save afterwards!

  • Hau'oli City Mall (Antiquities of the Ages) Appearance. This is the appearance of the Iron Plate in the Sinnoh Underground. Iron Plate In the anime.
  • Paper Antiquities of the Americas; Skip to page navigation. Ancient America Great Ages Man Aztec Maya Inca Toltec Olmec Zapotec Nazca Mohica.

If this sounds like you, congrats! Now the question is,where are you gonna spend all that dough? Fortunately, we have a few ideas onwhere to go on a shopping spree. And, if your wallet is starting to get alittle thin after all that buying, we'll finish off with some suggestions onhow to make some quick money.

Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon

Be Fashion Forward

They say clothes make the Trainer...or something like that. Eventhough new clothing doesn't have any gameplay effect, they'll definitelyencourage pride in your look and envy in your friends. Fortunately, there are plentyof apparel shops around the Alola region where you can personalize yourcharacter however you'd like. From cool shirts and hats to hip glasses andbackpacks, you can come up with a look all your own.

Buying clothes won't always be cheap! Sure, you can findsome decent deals out there, especially in the apparel shops in Hau'oli City,Heahea City, and Konikoni City. They have simple items for both male and femaleTrainers to get you started on your new clothes-shopping binge.

But when it's time to step up your fashion game, head straightto Hau'oli City's shopping mall, where only serious Trainers shop. There youcan drape your male Trainer in a Kommo-o outfit or your female Trainer in aLuran outfit for just over a lofty 2,000,000 in cash. If you're looking tospend on clothes but all those zeroes are a little too scary, head to the MalieCity Flea Market to pick up some sweet shoes and hats you won't find anywhereelse.

There are far too many different clothing items andaccessories for sale around the Alola region to list them all, but you can tryon outfits in store before you buy. So grab the gear that looks good to you!

Poké Ball Pairings

Take your Trainer ego to the next level by catching wildPokémon in the right kind of Poké Ball. We're not talking about using a DuskBall in a cave or a Net Ball on a Bug-type Pokémon. Instead, you could use aspecialty Poké Ball that most matches the target Pokémon's appearance. Forexample, use a Nest Ball, with its green-and-yellow decoration, to snag asimilarly colored Alolan Grimer, or throw a cute, pink Love Ball at a cute,pink Morelull to catch it. You can also just use the Poké Ball you think lookscoolest, or has a neat visual effect when it opens.

Once you've perfectly paired a Pokémon and Poké Ball, you'llbe rewarded by seeing that Poké Ball every time that Pokémon enters battle.Will it make a difference in how your Pokémon performs? No. Is it costeffective to use Poké Balls that give you lower odds of catching a Pokémon? No.Will other Trainers be jealous of how much time and effort you've spentpreparing for battle when you face off? Absolutely.

You can purchase specialty Poké Balls at the followingshops:

Route 2 Poké Mart(Melemele Island)
Heal Ball
Luxury Ball
Nest Ball

Paniola Town Poké Mart (Akala Island)
Net Ball
Repeat Ball
Timer Ball

Route 8 Poké Mart (Akala Island)
Dive Ball
Dusk Ball
Quick Ball

If you want to get reallywild, stock up on Beast Balls at the Aether Foundation after you've completedthe Ultra Megalopolis event. They are awesome for catching Ultra Beasts andabsolutely terrible for catching anyother wild Pokémon, but watching an Alolan Rattata pop out of a Beast Ball isone of the true pleasures of being a Trainer.


Max Out Your Moves

TMs are an integral part of developing battle-ready Pokémon,but they're not cheap. In fact, they're easily the most expensive items in thegame. But if you can afford it, your Pokémon are worth it. Time to startspending!

You can purchase many TMs at the Poké Mart counter in somePokémon Centers. The outdoor TM shop in Konikoni City also sells them. Eachstore sells TMs grouped by the type of moves they provide—for example, you'llfind protective TMs such as TM16 Light Screen and TM70 Aurora Veil in thePokémon Center in Heahea City.

Here's a complete list of TMs for sale and where you can buythem:

Heahea City Poké Mart (Akala Island)
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM33 Reflect
TM70 Aurora Veil

Royal Avenue Poké Mart (Akala Island)
TM07 Hail
TM11 Sunny Day
TM18 Rain Dance
TM37 Sandstorm

Konikoni City TM Shop (Akala Island)
TM09 Venoshock
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM47 Low Sweep
TM51 Steel Wing
TM78 Bulldoze

Antiquities The Movie

Malie City Poké Mart (Ula'ula Island)
TM42 Facade
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM69 Rock Polish
TM77 Psych Up
TM89 U-turn

Seafolk Village Poké Mart (Poni Island)
TM04 Calm Mind
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM22 Solar Beam
TM25 Thunder
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM38 Fire Blast
TM52 Focus Blast
TM68 Giga Impact
TM71 Stone Edge

Go Antiquing

In the past, some Legendary and Mythical Pokémon became evenmore powerful when holding special items that were rare and difficult to find. InPokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, those items are alot easier to discover—they're just expensive. Stop at the Antiquities of theAges store in Hau'oli City's shopping mall with a thick wallet to pick up some greatitems: the Red and Blue Orbs that can cause Groudon and Kyogre to undergoPrimal Reversion; the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs that boost certaintypes of moves for Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina; and the Plates that allow theMythical Pokémon Arceus to take advantage of its Multitype Ability and changeits type.

Antiquities For Sale


Now you just have to get the Pokémon to use these greatitems with. You'll find Groudon and Dialga in the Ultra Space Wilds whenplaying Pokémon Ultra Sun, and Kyogreand Palkia in Ultra Space Wilds when adventuring in Pokémon Ultra Moon. To encounter Giratina in the Ultra Space Wilds,you'll need both Palkia and Dialga in your party. As for Arceus, pay attentionto for any updates on how and when you can receive that Pokémon.

Make Money to Spend Money

Do you find yourself a little short on cash after all thatshopping? Here are some tips on how to refill your bank account.

Be sure to sell off valuable items that don't have any purposeother than to make you richer. They're not doing any good sitting in your Bag. Theseinclude the Pearls you sometimes snag when you're fishing and the Star Piecesleft after crushing rocks with Tauros Smash. You can often find a bunch ofhigh-priced items when your Pokémon return from an excursion on Isle Aphun in PokéPelago, especially on the Path for Rare-Treasure Hunting.

Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon Moon

Another tip: When you're about to battle some Trainers, besure to use the Roto Prize Money Rotom Power, which will boost the reward youget for a winning battle. And have the first Pokémon in your party hold anAmulet Coin, ensuring that you'll get even more prize money. You can even usethe Happy Hour move (known by, among other Pokémon, the recently distributed Rockruffthat evolves into Dusk Form Lycanroc) to increase your payout still further.These methods stack, so when they're all in effect, you can expect to see somehuge amounts of cash rolling in at the end of each battle. Looking for a placeto meet up with Trainers who will shell out good prize money? Challenge theKantonian Gym on Ula'ula Island daily, where the foes will fork over some goodrewards for not a lot of effort.

Spending money is a lot of fun, and a great way to explore Alolaand take on its challenges in a unique way. Be sure to for more gameplay tips and tactics.

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Discussion in 'Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon' started by May, Nov 17, 2017.

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Antiquities Of The Ages Pokemon Movie

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