Aes File Encryption

An encryption key is a series of numbers used to encrypt and decrypt data. Encryption keys are created with algorithms. Each key is random and unique. There are two types of encryption systems: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Here’s how they’re different. Symmetric encryption uses a single password to encrypt and decrypt data. AES Encryption and Decryption Online Tool (Calculator) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm. AES is the industry standard as of now as it allows 128 bit, 192 bit and 256 bit encryption.Symmetric encryption is very fast as compared to asymmetric encryption and are used in systems such as database system.

2 file types use the .aes file extension.
  • 1.AES Crypt Encrypted File
  • 2.ooVoo Log File

File Type 1AES Crypt Encrypted File

CategoryEncoded Files

What is a AES file?


File encrypted by AES Crypt, a program used for securing files with AES encryption; stores a file that has been protected by a 256-bit encryption algorithm and a password; requires the password that was used to encrypt the file in order to decrypt the file back to the original.

AES files are useful for protecting sensitive personal and business documents. AES Crypt users often encrypt documents and send them via email.

When AES Crypt creates an encrypted file, it append the '.aes' extension to the filename. For example, when AES Crypt encrypts a document named mydocument.docx, it creates a new file named mydocument.docx.aes. You can double-click this file and type the password in order to access the original file.

NOTE: Since AES is a common form of encryption, other encryption programs may also use the '.aes' extension.

Open over 300 file formats with File Viewer Plus.

Programs that open AES files


Aes Encryption Tool


File Encryption Windows

Updated 11/5/2012

File Type 2ooVoo Log File

CategoryData Files

.AES File Association 2

Log file created by ooVoo, a free video chat, voice calling, and messaging application; stores a record of ooVoo activity that is sent to the ooVoo support team when debugging is needed.

C# Aes Encryption File

You must enable log files in order for the ooVoo to create them. Select ooVoo → Preferences... → Support and check the 'Enable Debug Logging' checkbox.

In Mac OS X, the AES files are stored in the following directory: /Users/[username]/Library/Containers/com.oovoo.mac/Data/Library/ Logs/ooVoo

In Windows, ooVoo log files use the .OVOLOG extension.

Programs that open AES files

Aes File Encryption
Updated 7/26/2017

Aes Encryption Download

AES Crypt is a file encryption software available on several operatingsystems that uses the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) to easily and securely encrypt files.

You do not need to be an expert to use AES Crypt, nor do you needto understand cryptography. AES Crypt is designed to be as simpleto use as possible, yet still provide the strongest encryptionstrength available. With over a million downloads,AES Crypt has made it easy for so many people to secure information.

Using a powerful 256-bit encryption algorithm, AES Crypt can safelysecure your most sensitive files. Once a file is encrypted, you do nothave to worry about a person reading your sensitive information, as anencrypted file is completely useless without the password. It simplycannot be read.

AES Crypt is the perfect tool for anyone who carries sensitiveinformation with them while traveling, uploads sensitive files toservers on the Internet, or wishes to protect sensitive information frombeing stolen from the home or office. AES Crypt is also the perfectsolution for those who wish to backup information and store that dataat a bank, in a cloud-based storage service, and any placewhere sensitive files might be accessible by someone else.

AES Crypt is free open source software. As opensource, several people have contributed to and/or reviewed thesoftware source code to ensure that it works properly to secureinformation. You are free to use this software in your business,at home, or in your own open source development projects.